Business Representation
Mary Lear - AO Smith
Dan Caldwell - Nissan
Kelly Tyler - Accurate Energetic Systems
James Harper - Hensel Phelps
Mark Peed - Peed Family Trucking
Tony Adams - Benefits Inc.
Paul Webb - Paul Webb CPA
Kristi Spurgeon - Graphic Packaging International
Shoshana Samuels - Dell Technologies
Seth Thurman - Wilson Bank and Trust
Christopher West - National Healthcare Corp
John Zobl - A to Z Consulting (Board Chair)
Jordan Osborne - Robertson County Chamber of Commerce
Robin Baldree - Marcoma Realty Inc.
Labor Representation
Billy Givens - IAMAW District Lodge 1888
Anne Fugate - Fort Campbell / Veterans
George "Bo" Callis - Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 572
David Rutledge - Central Labor Council of Nashville/Middle TN
Greg Jones - Rutherford Works
Education Representation
Nathan Garrett - TCAT President
Freda Herndon - TDLWD Adult Education
Government Representation
Corey Johns - Joint Economic & Community board of Wilson County
Sellittia Johnson - Tennessee Department of Human Services
Selina Moore - Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development
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